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G2 is a visualization grammar for dashboard building, data exploration and storytelling.

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G2 is named after Leland Wilkinson’s book The Grammar of Graphics and was profoundly inspired by it in the very beginning. Here are some resources you can begin with:

  • Introduction - a brief overview and G2's motivations
  • Examples - a large number of demos to learn from and copy-paste
  • Tutorials - interactive case-driven guides of G2's core concepts
  • API Reference - complete documentation for all visualization components
  • Editor - an intelligent generation tool based on AntV. It utilizes AI to reduce the development cost of data visualization, and can quickly generate visual charts through natural language.

✨ Features

  • Progressive Usage - The main objective of G2 is to help you get meaningful visualizations quickly with concise declarations and it infers the rest. But you can configure much more for complex and advanced situations.
  • Declarative API - We employs a functional declarative API to specify chart options in a programmatic fashion, which contributes to better logic reuse and more flexible code organization.
  • High Extensibility - To satisfy specific needs, G2 provides a convenient and consistent mechanism to extend everything you can imagine, whether a scale, a transform, a mark, etc,. You can even customize a brand new visualization tool based on this mechanism.
  • Comprehensive Grammar - G2 rejects a chart typology in favor of marks, transforms, scales, coordinates, and compositions. In addition to static visual representations, it's possible to declare data-driven animations and apply well-designed action-based interactions to plots as well.
  • Powerful Renderer - There is a powerful renderer G under G2 to generate web-based visualizations using Canvas, SVG or WebGL. The plenty of plugins it has benefit G2 from rendering charts with novel styles such as hand-drawn and fully embracing the ecosystem of D3.

🔨 Getting Started

G2 is usually installed via a package manager such as npm or Yarn.

$ npm install @antv/g2
$ yarn add @antv/g2

The Chart object then can be imported from G2.

<div id="container"></div>
import { Chart } from '@antv/g2';

// A tabular data to be visualized.
const data = [
  { genre: 'Sports', sold: 275 },
  { genre: 'Strategy', sold: 115 },
  { genre: 'Action', sold: 120 },
  { genre: 'Shooter', sold: 350 },
  { genre: 'Other', sold: 150 },

// Instantiate a new chart.
const chart = new Chart({
  container: 'container',

// Specify visualization.
  .interval() // Create an interval mark and add it to the chart.
  .data(data) // Bind data for this mark.
  .encode('x', 'genre') // Assign genre column to x position channel.
  .encode('y', 'sold') // Assign sold column to y position channel.
  .encode('color', 'genre'); // Assign genre column to color channel.

// Render visualization.

If all goes well, you can get the following lovely bar chart!


🌍 Ecosystem

📮 Contributing


📄 License


The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2021 AntV Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.


G2 是一套基于可视化编码的图形语法,以数据驱动,具有高度的易用性和扩展性,用户无需关注各种繁琐的实现细节,一条语句即可构建出各种各样的可交互的统计图表。 expand collapse
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