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webp is a library we use at EverythingMe Launcher since we love webp. We use it to save bandwidth as well as shrinking our APK sizes.
Last updated: almost 3 years agoSwitchButton is An beautiful+lightweight+custom-style-easy switch widget
Last updated: almost 3 years ago带删除功能的EditText;显示或者隐藏密码;可设置自动添加分隔符分割电话号码、银行卡号等;支持禁止Emoji表情符号输入
Last updated: almost 3 years agoBubble Component for openharmony with custom stroke width and color, arrow size, position and direction.
Last updated: almost 3 years agoCompressor is a lightweight and powerful harmony image compression library.
Last updated: almost 3 years ago
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